Weather in Riga


Good evening to all our listeners tuning in for the latest weather update. It's the 8th of May, and with Thursday's forecast in hand, let's see what the skies hold for us in Riga.

Tomorrow will start off a little chilly, with temperatures at midnight hitting 4 degrees, giving way to a slightly cooler early morning as the thermometer dips to 2.6 degrees around sunrise. Despite the sub-zero dew points, we won't be expecting any frost to hinder your early commute thanks to a rather dry air mass overhead. The humidity will be higher than recent days but still comfortable, starting at 67% and increasing throughout the day.

Cloud cover will be significant right from the get-go, rolling out a blanket that will rarely part. The silver lining? No substantial precipitation is expected until later in the day, leaving a generally dry morning for your outdoor activities—so no need for raincoats or umbrellas initially.

Throughout the afternoon, the temperature will climb gently, reaching a peak of 10 degrees. However, the increased humidity, reaching up to 82% by evening, will make it feel somewhat cooler, so layers would be wise. For our fellow motorcyclists and bicyclists, you'll want that jacket. A scarf might not be amiss either, as we'll see wind gusts throughout the day, mostly from the northwest, peaking around 26.6 kilometers per hour mid-afternoon.

Now let's talk about the latter part of the day, when we see our highest chances for rain. Evening commuters, take note, although we have a meager 3.2 millimeters of rain in the forecast, roads might get slippery, and visibility will diminish as humidity creeps closer to that 100% mark. For those driving, it's wise to take it slow and keep those headlights on.

Pet owners and parents of young children, this dampness coupled with moderate cloud cover means brisk outings would be best. No severe weather is on the radar, but with low solarradiation expected, bundle up and keep playtime closer to home and shorter to ward off any chills. Elderly friends and garden enthusiasts, the outdoor conditions should remain quite manageable, as long as you dress appropriately and keep an eye out for that occasional drizzle.

As we head into the night, the curtain of clouds persists, and temperatures will hover around 8.8 degrees. For those taking a late stroll, you'll want to wrap up, but the consistent cloud coverage will provide a slight insulating effect against any significant nighttime chill.

In summary, we're in for a mostly overcast day tomorrow with a bit of a nip in the air and a slight chance for a sprinkle as we approach the evening hours. Remember those layers and stay prepared for potential evening showers, and you should navigate the day just fine.

Wishing you a weather-prepared Thursday in Riga. Stay cozy and safe out there!

Telegram channel Weather in Latvia - Телеграм канал Погода в Латвии - Telegram kanāls Laiks Latvijā
